Fear of God
Concept 013: Fear of God. NewConcepts@Nordstrom partnered with Fear of God Founder, Jerry Lorenzo, to design an exclusive capsule collection for our 13th shop. The collection encompasses pieces from Fear of God Seventh Collection, Essentials and the debut of Essential’s kids’ wear.
Art Director: Daniel Fickle
Featuring: the Schaetzke family
Photographer: Misha Taylor
Styling: Mindy Le Brock
Producer: Debbie Murphy
Set Designer: Robert Sumrell
Copywriter: William Van Meter
Graphic Design: Ryan Hunt
Create a digital & print campaign tying together the exclusive capsule collection, the visual shop design, and the debut of Essential’s kids’ wear.
The first consideration was cast. For the truest authenticity, we decided we needed to cast a family. Once we saw the Schaetzke family, it was an instant match for the campaign.
The Visual Merchandising & Image team collaborated to have create unity between the campaign and the in-store experience.